
Referrals to other health professionals


Referrals to other health professionals

OEI understands the importance of collaboration and coordination in providing comprehensive care for individuals with disabilities. In cases where specialized expertise or services are required, OEI facilitates referrals to other health professionals. This ensures that individuals receive the appropriate and specialized care needed to address their specific healthcare needs. By partnering with a network of healthcare professionals and specialists, OEI aims to enhance the overall well-being and quality of life for individuals with disabilities. Through these referrals, OEI seeks to optimize healthcare outcomes and promote holistic care for individuals in need.

The Process

When a participant at OEI requires specialized care or services beyond the scope of our expertise, we initiate a referral process to connect them with appropriate health professionals. This process involves the following steps:

  1. Assessment: Our team conducts a thorough assessment of the participant’s needs and healthcare requirements.

  2. Identification: Based on the assessment, we identify the specific type of healthcare professional or specialist that the participant requires.

  3. Referral: We reach out to our network of healthcare professionals and specialists to find a suitable provider who can address the participant’s needs.

  4. Communication: We communicate with the participant and their caregivers to discuss the referral and provide them with the necessary information, including contact details and any required documentation.

  5. Coordination: We work closely with the referred healthcare professional to ensure a smooth transition of care. This may involve sharing relevant medical records, coordinating appointments, and facilitating communication between the participant, caregivers, and the healthcare professional.

  6. Follow-up: We maintain regular communication with the participant and the referred healthcare professional to monitor progress, address any concerns, and provide ongoing support.

By facilitating referrals to other health professionals, OEI aims to ensure that participants receive specialized and comprehensive care tailored to their specific needs, enhancing their overall well-being and improving health outcomes.

OEI facilitates referrals to connect individuals with disabilities to specialized healthcare professionals, ensuring they receive the necessary care and support.


Few of the most asked questions – answered.

OEI conducts a thorough assessment of the individual’s healthcare needs to determine if a referral to a specialized health professional is necessary.

OEI works closely with the individual and their caregivers to understand their preferences and needs. The decision regarding the choice of healthcare professional is made collaboratively.

Yes, OEI provides assistance in coordinating appointments with the referred healthcare professionals to ensure a seamless process for the individual.

Yes, OEI shares relevant information and medical records with the referred healthcare professionals to ensure they have a comprehensive understanding of the individual’s needs.

OEI maintains ongoing communication with the individual and the referred healthcare professionals to monitor progress, address concerns, and provide any necessary support throughout the process.

OEI takes into consideration the individual’s preferences and, whenever possible, accommodates their choice of healthcare professionals for the referral.

The cost associated with the referrals may vary depending on the specific healthcare professional and services required. OEI will provide information and guidance regarding any potential costs involved.

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Parent counseling and disability management training


Parent counseling and disability management training.

Parent counseling and disability management training provided by OEI aim to support and empower parents or caregivers of children with disabilities. The program offers guidance, information, and practical skills to help parents better understand and manage their child’s disability. Through counseling sessions, parents receive emotional support and learn effective strategies for coping with challenges. Additionally, disability management training equips parents with knowledge on various aspects of disability, including healthcare, education, and social inclusion. The goal is to enhance parental confidence, improve the overall well-being of children with disabilities, and promote inclusive and supportive family environments.

The Process

The process of parent counseling and disability management training by OEI typically involves the following steps:

  1. Identification: Parents or caregivers of children with disabilities are identified through outreach programs, referrals, or community partnerships.

  2. Initial Assessment: A preliminary assessment is conducted to understand the specific needs and challenges faced by the parents and their children. This helps in developing personalized training plans.

  3. Counseling Sessions: Trained professionals provide one-on-one or group counseling sessions to parents. These sessions offer emotional support, guidance, and information on various aspects related to disability management.

  4. Information and Education: Parents receive information and education on topics such as disability rights, healthcare access, educational support, and community resources. They are empowered with knowledge to advocate for their child’s needs effectively.

  5. Skill Development: Practical skills related to caregiving, therapy techniques, communication strategies, and behavior management are taught to parents. They learn how to support their child’s development and independence.

  6. Peer Support and Networking: Parents are encouraged to connect with other families facing similar challenges, fostering a supportive network where they can share experiences and learn from one another.

  7. Follow-up and Continuous Support: Regular follow-up sessions are conducted to monitor progress, address concerns, and provide ongoing support to parents. Additional resources and referrals to specialized services may also be offered.

The process may vary based on individual needs and the specific programs and resources available through OEI.

Empowering parents and caregivers through parent counseling and disability management training for children with disabilities by OEI.


Few of the most asked questions – answered.

The purpose is to support and empower parents or caregivers of children with disabilities, providing them with guidance, information, and practical skills to better understand and manage their child’s disability.

Parents or caregivers of children with disabilities can benefit from this training to enhance their knowledge, skills, and emotional well-being in supporting their child’s development and overall well-being.

The training covers a range of topics including disability rights, healthcare access, educational support, behavior management, therapy techniques, communication strategies, and community resources.

The training can be provided in both individual and group sessions, depending on the needs and preferences of the parents or caregivers.

The duration of the training program can vary, but it often includes multiple sessions conducted over a period of time to ensure continuous support and learning.

Yes, OEI offers ongoing support through follow-up sessions, regular check-ins, and access to additional resources and referrals as needed.

The specific cost, if any, can vary based on the program and the resources available. OEI strives to make its services accessible and affordable for parents and caregivers.

Parents or caregivers can reach out to OEI through their website, helpline, or community outreach programs to inquire about the training and seek assistance in accessing the program.

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Wheelchairs through Wheels for the World


Wheelchairs through Wheels for the World

OEI collaborates with the “Wheels for the World” program to provide wheelchairs to individuals with disabilities. This partnership aims to enhance mobility and improve the quality of life for those in need. Through the program, wheelchairs are distributed, fitted, and customized to meet the specific needs of each recipient, allowing them to regain independence and participate fully in their communities.

The Process

The process of providing wheelchairs through “Wheels for the World” involves the following steps:

  1. Assessment: OEI conducts assessments to determine the mobility needs of individuals with disabilities who require a wheelchair. Factors such as physical abilities, body measurements, and lifestyle are taken into consideration.

  2. Selection and Customization: Based on the assessment, an appropriate wheelchair model is selected. Wheelchairs are then customized and fitted to ensure proper support, comfort, and mobility for the individual.

  3. Distribution: Once the wheelchairs are ready, they are distributed to the recipients. OEI coordinates distribution events or works with local partners to ensure that the wheelchairs reach those in need in a timely manner.

  4. Fitting and Training: To ensure optimal use and safety, OEI provides fitting and training sessions for wheelchair recipients. They guide individuals on proper usage, maintenance, and adjustment of the wheelchair to suit their specific requirements.

  5. Follow-up Support: OEI offers ongoing support to wheelchair recipients, including assistance with repairs, maintenance, and replacements if needed. They remain in contact with recipients to address any concerns and ensure the continued functionality of the wheelchairs.

Through the “Wheels for the World” program, OEI strives to empower individuals with disabilities by providing them with the necessary mobility aids to enhance their independence and improve their overall quality of life.

Restoring mobility and independence with Wheelchairs through "Wheels for the World" by OEI.


Few of the most asked questions – answered.

Please contact OEI directly to inquire about the process of requesting a wheelchair through the “Wheels for the World” program. They will provide you with the necessary information and guidance.

Yes, the wheelchairs provided through the program are customized to meet the specific needs and requirements of each individual. They are fitted and adjusted accordingly to ensure optimal comfort and functionality.

The timeline for receiving a wheelchair may vary depending on factors such as availability, customization requirements, and logistical considerations. OEI strives to ensure timely distribution but it is best to contact them directly for specific information.

The wheelchairs provided through the program are typically offered at no cost to the recipients. However, it is advisable to check with OEI for any specific guidelines or requirements regarding the cost of obtaining a wheelchair.

OEI offers ongoing support to wheelchair recipients, including assistance with repairs, maintenance, and replacements if needed. They also provide training and guidance on proper usage and adjustment of the wheelchair.

Yes, donations of wheelchairs are welcomed by the program. You can contact OEI to inquire about the process and requirements for donating a wheelchair.

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Mobility Aids


Mobility Aids

Operation Equip India (OEI) offers a comprehensive range of mobility aids to enhance the independence and mobility of individuals with disabilities. These mobility aids are designed to assist individuals with various mobility challenges, enabling them to move around safely and comfortably. OEI provides a wide range of mobility aids, including wheelchairs, walkers, crutches, canes, and other assistive devices. These aids are carefully selected and customized to meet the specific needs and preferences of each individual. With a focus on quality, durability, and ergonomic design, OEI’s mobility aids aim to improve mobility, promote inclusion, and enhance the overall quality of life for individuals with disabilities.

The Process

The process of obtaining mobility aids from Operation Equip India (OEI) involves several steps to ensure individuals with disabilities receive the appropriate aids that meet their specific needs:

  1. Assessment: A comprehensive assessment is conducted to evaluate the individual’s mobility challenges, physical capabilities, and specific requirements. This assessment may involve discussions with the individual, their healthcare team, and possibly a physical examination.

  2. Recommendation: Based on the assessment, OEI’s team of experts, including therapists and mobility specialists, recommend the most suitable mobility aids for the individual. This recommendation considers factors such as the individual’s physical abilities, lifestyle, and environmental factors.

  3. Customization: OEI offers customized solutions to ensure the mobility aids fit the individual’s unique specifications. This may involve adjustments to the height, width, or other dimensions of the aids to provide optimal comfort and support. Customization may also include additional features or modifications based on the individual’s specific needs.

  4. Provision: Once the customization is finalized, OEI provides the individual with the recommended mobility aids. This may involve ordering or manufacturing the aids, ensuring they meet quality standards, and delivering them to the individual’s location.

  5. Fitting and Training: OEI’s team ensures proper fitting and adjustment of the mobility aids to the individual’s body measurements and comfort. They also provide training and guidance on how to safely and effectively use the aids, including techniques for maneuvering, maintaining balance, and handling different terrains.

  6. Follow-up Support: OEI offers ongoing support and assistance to individuals using mobility aids. This includes periodic check-ins, adjustments, repairs, and replacements as needed. They also provide guidance on maintenance and proper usage to ensure the longevity and effectiveness of the mobility aids.

Throughout the process, OEI maintains open communication with the individual, their caregivers, and healthcare professionals to address any concerns, provide additional support, and make necessary adjustments to the mobility aids to meet changing needs over time.

Enhancing mobility and independence through personalized mobility aids by OEI.


Few of the most asked questions – answered.

Mobility aids are devices or equipment designed to assist individuals with disabilities in their mobility, allowing them to move around more easily and independently.

OEI’s team of experts conducts assessments and evaluations to determine the most appropriate mobility aid for each individual. They consider factors such as the individual’s physical abilities, lifestyle, and environmental factors to make personalized recommendations.

Yes, OEI offers customized mobility aids to ensure a perfect fit and optimal comfort. The aids can be adjusted or modified based on individual requirements and measurements.

To obtain a mobility aid from OEI, you can reach out to their team through their contact information provided. They will guide you through the process, which typically involves assessments, recommendations, customization, and provision of the mobility aid.

Absolutely. OEI provides fitting, training, and ongoing support to individuals using their mobility aids. They ensure proper adjustment, offer guidance on safe usage, and address any concerns or questions you may have.

OEI offers follow-up support and assistance, including repairs and replacements as needed. They maintain open communication with individuals to address any issues and ensure the continued functionality of the mobility aids.

OEI strives to make mobility aids accessible to individuals in need. They work with donors and sponsors to provide financial support, and in some cases, there may be minimal costs or no costs at all for individuals receiving mobility aids.

Yes, OEI accepts donations of unused mobility aids that are in good condition. These donated aids can be used to support individuals in need and make a positive impact in their lives.

You can contribute to OEI’s mobility aid initiatives by making a donation, sponsoring a mobility aid, or volunteering your time and expertise. Contact OEI for more information on how to get involved and support their mission.

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Customized adaptive devices


Customized adaptive devices

Operation Equip India (OEI) specializes in providing customized adaptive devices to individuals with disabilities. These devices are designed and tailored to meet the specific needs and challenges of each individual, helping to improve their mobility, independence, and overall quality of life. OEI’s experienced team works closely with individuals and their healthcare professionals to assess their requirements and create devices such as mobility aids, orthotic supports, and assistive technology that enhance their abilities and functionality. By leveraging innovative design and engineering, OEI is dedicated to ensuring that individuals with disabilities have access to personalized adaptive devices that empower them to overcome physical barriers and live life to the fullest.

The Process

The process of obtaining customized adaptive devices from Operation Equip India (OEI) begins with a thorough assessment of the individual’s specific needs and requirements. This assessment may involve discussions with the individual, their healthcare team, and possibly even a physical examination.

Based on the assessment, OEI’s team of experts, including engineers, technicians, and therapists, collaborate to design and develop the most suitable adaptive device for the individual. This could include mobility aids such as customized wheelchairs, walkers, or crutches, as well as orthotic supports such as braces or splints.

The design process takes into consideration the individual’s physical abilities, comfort, and functional goals. OEI’s team utilizes advanced technologies, innovative materials, and specialized techniques to create customized devices that are tailored to fit the individual’s unique needs and provide optimal support.

Once the design is finalized, the manufacturing process begins, taking into account the specific measurements and specifications of the individual. OEI’s skilled technicians use their expertise to fabricate and assemble the adaptive devices, ensuring high quality and precision.

After the device is manufactured, it undergoes rigorous testing and evaluation to ensure its functionality, durability, and compatibility with the individual’s requirements. OEI’s team then provides proper fitting, adjustments, and training to the individual and their caregivers to ensure they can use the device effectively and safely.

Throughout the entire process, OEI maintains open communication with the individual and their healthcare team to address any concerns, provide ongoing support, and make necessary adjustments as needed.

By following this comprehensive process, OEI is able to provide individuals with customized adaptive devices that enhance their mobility, independence, and overall quality of life, enabling them to overcome physical challenges and participate fully in their daily activities.

Tailored solutions empowering individuals with disabilities through customized adaptive devices.


Few of the most asked questions – answered.

Customized adaptive devices are assistive devices and equipment that are specifically designed and tailored to meet the unique needs and requirements of individuals with disabilities.

 Individuals with disabilities of various types and levels of mobility challenges can benefit from customized adaptive devices. This includes individuals with physical disabilities, mobility limitations, or specific functional needs.

Customized adaptive devices can include a wide range of equipment such as custom wheelchairs, orthotic supports, prosthetic limbs, specialized seating systems, mobility aids, communication devices, and more.

Customized adaptive devices are specifically designed and personalized to address the unique needs and challenges of an individual, whereas standard devices are mass-produced and may not provide the same level of comfort, functionality, and support.

Coverage for customized adaptive devices can vary depending on insurance policies, government funding programs, and regional regulations. It is recommended to consult with healthcare professionals, insurance providers, or funding agencies for specific information on coverage.

The time required to obtain customized adaptive devices can vary depending on factors such as the complexity of the device, the availability of resources, and the individual’s specific needs. It may involve several weeks to months from the initial assessment to the final fitting and delivery of the device.

Yes, customized adaptive devices can often be adjusted, modified, or upgraded as needed to accommodate changes in the individual’s condition, growth, or functional requirements. Regular follow-ups with healthcare professionals and providers can ensure ongoing support and adaptations if necessary.

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Physio and Occupational Therapy


Physio and Occupational Therapy

Operation Equip India (OEI) offers comprehensive physio and occupational therapy services to individuals with disabilities. Physiotherapy focuses on improving physical function, mobility, and strength through targeted exercises and techniques. Occupational therapy, on the other hand, aims to enhance daily living skills and promote independence in activities such as self-care, work, and leisure. OEI’s experienced therapists tailor therapy programs to meet the unique needs of each individual, working towards maximizing their functional abilities and improving their overall quality of life. With a holistic approach and a dedicated team, OEI is committed to helping individuals with disabilities achieve their full potential through physio and occupational therapy services.

The Process

The process of physio and occupational therapy at Operation Equip India (OEI) begins with a thorough assessment of the individual’s physical and functional abilities. Based on the assessment, a personalized therapy plan is developed to address the specific needs and goals of the individual. The therapy sessions involve a range of techniques and exercises aimed at improving mobility, strength, coordination, balance, and functional skills.

During physiotherapy sessions, individuals may receive treatments such as manual therapy, therapeutic exercises, electrical stimulation, and heat or cold therapy. These interventions help to alleviate pain, improve range of motion, and enhance overall physical function.

Occupational therapy focuses on promoting independence in daily activities. It may involve teaching adaptive techniques, providing assistive devices, and addressing specific challenges related to self-care, productivity, and leisure. Occupational therapists work closely with individuals to enhance their skills and abilities, enabling them to engage in meaningful activities and achieve greater independence.

Throughout the therapy process, therapists closely monitor the progress of individuals and make necessary adjustments to the treatment plan. They provide guidance, education, and support to individuals and their families, empowering them to actively participate in their own rehabilitation journey.

By employing a comprehensive approach and personalized care, OEI’s physiotherapy and occupational therapy services aim to improve the functional abilities, quality of life, and overall well-being of individuals with disabilities.

Restoring mobility, function, and independence through personalized physio and occupational therapy at OEI.


Few of the most asked questions – answered.

Physiotherapy is a branch of therapy that focuses on improving physical function, mobility, and strength through targeted exercises, manual therapy, and other techniques.

Occupational therapy is a form of therapy that helps individuals develop, recover, or maintain skills necessary for daily living and meaningful activities, promoting independence and improving quality of life.

 Individuals with disabilities, injuries, or conditions affecting their physical function and daily activities can benefit from physio and occupational therapy at OEI.

The therapy process involves a thorough assessment of the individual’s needs, the development of a personalized treatment plan, and the implementation of various techniques, exercises, and interventions to improve function and independence.

The duration of therapy varies depending on the individual’s condition and goals. Therapy sessions can range from a few weeks to several months, with regular evaluations and adjustments to the treatment plan.

The goals of therapy include improving mobility, strength, coordination, balance, and functional skills, as well as promoting independence in daily activities and enhancing overall quality of life.

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