The Story of Davalsab

Facing challenges with an intellectual disability and a visually impaired mother, Davalsab’s tea stall business was impacted by Covid

The Story

Facing challenges with a brother having an intellectual disability and a visually impaired mother, Davalsab’s tea stall business was impacted by Covid. However, Equip India staff provided support, enabling him to start goat rearing, offering a new livelihood opportunity for him and his family.

Encouraged and supported with a start-up fund of Rs. 10,000, Davalsab purchased two lambs for his goat rearing business. After six months of dedicated efforts, the lambs have thrived, indicating promising profits and a successful expansion of his business in the future.

Davalsab expresses deep gratitude to the donors for their support, which has brought a ray of hope into his family’s life and added a new dimension to their livelihood.

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